Monday, February 15, 2010


Happy late Valentines.
Also Not only was yesterday Valentines, It Was Chinese New Years.
Year of The Tiger. And I got $60 altogether
So for Valentines I got, nothing. Yep I'm so important to everyone I got nothing. Not even from my best friend. Great. But Enough about that.
So I like my friend. His "name" is Brandon. I didn't really like him until everyone started asking me "Do you like Brandon?!!?!" Friday was pajama day and he was really cute. That's when I started liking him. Oh, no I don't like him JUST because he's cute, he's also smart and funny.
Nothing really happened after I posted my last blog. I forgot to tell you about Alex! He's annoying, a know it all, and a pest to everyone. He vexatious. Sometimes he'll just stare at you just to creep you out. He talks ALOT and goes on, and on, and on and it seems like he never shuts the fuck up.
Sorry I just jump from place to place, it's sorta a habit. I do it all the time when I'm writing essays. By the way, I don't just write just for your entertainment. I write(well, type) so I don't lose it. This town is horrible and I don't trust anyone enough to tell what i think about. So, I just write right her. Like a journal.
Well, I think i should go now since I'm just going on and on about nothing.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Week's Worth

So, as my week went on I learned that I have haters. Do I Care? No. Why am I writing about it? Because writing, err typing it out makes me feel well, good? Since when people give me dirty looks, give my No respect whatsoever yeah, it aggravates me.
So, Lets call her Cayla. Cayla during the week pushed a chair at me and did not say sorry. She's a snob who thinks she is so much better than people. I try to be nice, i try really hard since I'm nice to everyone I try to be nice to her but, What do I get? nothing. Also in this one class i sit behind her with my two friends. About every what, 7 minutes she looks back to look at one of my friends. And when she hears us talking about something she's interested in she turns around and starts talking.
Another Girl is Errm, Lets Call her Monica. She, also like Cayla thinks she's better than me. She always thinks about herself. At this semi-formal dance i said how pretty my friend Viv was and she was like, "I'm SOOO pretty RIGHT?! Cause, well I KNOW I am." Wow.
One thing i don't understand, how is putting your ass to someone else's ass considered dancing? To me it's not really dancing. To my friend Jules dancing is having fun. Do we embarrass ourselves? Hells yea, do we give a shit what people think? Fuck no.

Good bye all, I must go
See you next time

-Love, Chrissy

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

First Blog.

As a first-time blogger, let me tell you things about me.
Well, first off these are real stories, but with fake info, such as names, places, ect.
You may call me Chrissy, because that's what i used to be called.
I'm asian and about 5'11''? And one of the few asians in the school
I am 13 Years old as of Decemeber 21.
I go to a school that has grades 7-12, all in one building.
A small town. I moved from a city because something had happened to my old school and my parents decided coming here, living with my uncle would be better because I wouldn't get shot, or join a gang.
Things i like to do are read, sing, and be with friends. I'm kinda of a people person, but also I enjoy being a loner, most of the time.
I have decided I will make a blog once a week, or more depending on what goes on in my day.
Alsa, farewell! I must go